01.28.2002 4:32 am
this is my churning passion, my insomniac madness...

these nights i lie awake, overtaken with flashes and glimmers.


i give voice to these visions like breathing; they flow in and out ~

in my half-dreaming state:

the word "flux" comes into my head. associations instantaneously flicker: water stream basin rock tide rising reflecting levels ebb flow vanish befall meander river

...and i feel a pulse of energy from this, flowing like the blood through a pounding heart... i am alive!

softness. glow. quiet. luminous: these words play through one by one and i bask in the comforting associations...

it has become a nightly slideshow ~ fields of brilliant color, hallucinations, sounds, memories, and imaginings...


the sensation of crushing cool dewdropped lush grass underfoot...

things that give light: fireflies, lanterns, candles... flames.

humming neon billboards of names... chinese characters... multicolored city lights...

the dust of the lunar surface... the silt illuminated to shine...

the sun reflecting upon textures of earth: hitting mica-flecked sand, penetrating shallow water, filling clear blue eyes, pouring through thin leaves, warming wrinkled skin, turning ice crystals into gleaming droplets...

the bubbles on wet pavement left right after rolling tires lift forward...

the whirling parade of particles moving forth within the rings of saturn...

imagining that the diamonds of refracted sunlight on the surface of the sea sink down at nightfall and become washed up ashore, piles of them collecting while they fill my cupped hands, flowing through my fingers... the precious jewels caught in the gleam of moonlight.


in the wee hours of the other morning, i stepped outside to hear more clearly the raindrops falling in the forest i was in... the drops striking against a large patch of ivy and falling upon little pools of water forming within the leaves. i was in awe of the pitter patter of water hitting water... hearing the rain as a giant percussive instrument... elaborating the sound in my mind of drops echoing amongst the leaves as hundreds of parabolic dishes...

i imagined a piece of music composed such that the melody and harmony sounds were personified to express love... the two lines deeply impassioned and intertwining and rolling forward in ecstasy... singing in resonance each to the other. it was divinely beautiful and as i heard it playing, i wished i could somehow capture and record it...

i envisioned what it would look like to somehow see a mind absorb a poem or a piece of music... to see the colors form, the pictures evoke, the emotional landscape soften... people's heads looking almost like lava-lamps. i wondered if i could animate that scene in some way: an individual mind or a group of minds seen like an x-ray as a song is played or a poem is spoken out loud.. and what each of them looks like... their unique and common associative images and hues... growing and shifting in response to the notes or words...


while this is all quite fun, some proper sleep will do me good.

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