02.01.2002 3:41 am
after regular internal self-criticism, i think it's an important thing to acknowledge what to keep and do more of. while are plenty of traits i have that i work to change, there are certain attributes i�ve always held that i have come to see and nourish as strengths:

i seek knowledge and understanding like a hellbent sleuth. i search tirelessly for puzzle-pieces i feel are missing. i listen very carefully when people talk to me and i remember what they say. i read things with an effort to comprehend them and commit to memory what i feel i might need. i care deeply about other people and constantly strive to understand what�s in their minds and how they work. i passionately and easily appreciate. i think and question intently.

incidentally, i read this quote the other day by the author of a book on the subject of poetry:

�Attentiveness is the natural prayer of the soul� -edward hirsch

i thought that was pretty cool.

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