03.06.2002 5:42 pm
life seems to have hourly, daily, monthly, yearly THEMES. they come in the form of subjects or people that grab my attention, that take up my focus... that which beckons and stirs me... themes. multifaceted, they encompass all i take in through my senses, the thoughts that go through my head, the emotions i'm feeling... and what i take away - lessons learned. constantly shifting and morphing through experiences, some quickly flicker through, some return in patterns, and some seem to remain constant for long periods of time...

for me, the major catalysts for change or of going deeper into themes, are: the people i'm in contact with, conversations and exchanges, things i read/hear, and aesthetics - both existing & expressed. in this sense, flux is productive and should be sought... but also constancy, sticking with something and seeing it through, is of great value. (hey there's that ol' balance thing again... a life-long theme)

so, two of the many themes at play in my life these days could be summed up as: authenticity & reflection. so many of the things that have happened lately have had to do with these. i've been wanting to specifically write about them... but i think i've been waiting until they crystallize in my mind into some sort of brilliant truths that can be neatly explained to make perfect sense. but, fuck it... that's not what this is for. this is my diary. so, these will be the topics of my next two entries.


(by the way, perhaps i analyze my life too much. but then again, i analyze other peoples' lives and the world around me in general just as much. so maybe i'm just overanalytical? or maybe i'm all mislead and my analytical powers are sadly weak, anyway. but, see, i LIVE so much as well. and sometimes i think i FEEL too much. sorting it out. guh, oh well... at least this is all better than complacency and numbness, methinks...)

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