04.13.2002 2:23 am
now that i have a 30-mile drive to my classes, i've got some more thinking time. there's something unique about driving-thinking (as opposed to drawing-thinking or reading-thinking or laying-in-bed-thinking)... something about the speed and motion of it... seeing the landscape rush by.

today i did that thing where you hold your hand out the window on the freeway and feel the air resistance. the pressure against my hands and fingers at 90mph felt like i was feeling something solid, but soft like a cushion. it was a beautiful spring day today... but i just remembered how when i was really young i first learned the word "tenacity" from my mom when she noticed me holding my little hand out the top of the window in the ice-cold winter air for as long as i could stand it, until it went almost numb...

hm. i like things like this in life. strange little wordless insignificant things done or things noticed: you know, avoiding walking on cracks on a sidewalk... noting the flow of painted lines on the road when you're in a car... counting the dots on a ceiling. things you become subconsciously mesmerized by in a room while talking on the phone...

maybe i like these sorts of things because they are so simple and neutral and thoughtless. hence focusing on them becomes meditative and calming, in a way...


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