12.17.2001 8:21 am
last night I took pain medication to help with my head as it was unbearable. i have taken other pain drugs (tylenol, motrin) maybe three times in the past 8 years, being the only drugs of any kind I've taken during that time. so i'm assuming it as the cause of my unusual delerium... laying in bed in a state of half-sleep, fever dreams entering and exiting my consciousness. this morning i awoke with a bunch of words scrawled on paper on my bedside table. for the sake of surreality, i will enter them here:



forms metamorph

dream of a goldfish in my room

in a bowl too small

gasping for air

but my room is filled with water

i am it

a giant eyeball, blinking

i am it

i am breathing

a heartbeat

the rhythm pulsing


synthetic circuitry

underlying a body

emerging through nature

the mechanization is a replication

of the organic

pay no attention to the man

behind the curtain

breathing circular

if americans could breathe in too much,

could overconsume air

how many of them would be walking around

huge inflated bubbles

about to pop

there is a plane overhead

it's loud and sounds as if

the sky is tearing open


cells mitosing

life is an adventure

arrive, begin

what must happen

advent of what?

"someday soon

you and i will merge

everything that rises must converge"


thankfully, i feel better this morning...

<< priori - posteriori >>