12.21.2001 4:44 am
tonight, this morning, right now, i am madly in love with:


~dj zinc �casino royale�: this song feels like balmy warm sunshine on a tropical beach. listening to it tonight, i remembered hearing it for the first time earlier this year dancing at a club in Brighton, and how the bass just melted me into a euphoric grin...

~death in june: i listened to a cd earlier and it reminded me of late-night drives we'd take up to random elevated spots just to find glorious views to revel in. it's haunting, beautiful music...

~the nutcracker: i have been listening to it in my car. it evokes the elusive "christmas spirit" for me, and i think I will never not love the nutcracker. tchaikovsky was absolutely incredible. today my mind boggled as i thought about the comparison of classical music with modern mainstream music...

~klute �phone call� (remix): i resonate with this song... ringing jazzy tones echoing over a deep melodic bassline... and it always sounds filled with hope and newness.


~www.praystation.com: i love going to this site to play with the ultra-futuristic interactive graphics... a marvelous way to space out.

~Amelie: now having seen it 3 times... i love losing myself in the beauty of Jeunet's world... the soft, rich colors and golden light... the much-needed respite from the corrupt, weary, vacant, cynical aspects of society. it reminds me of things that make life happy and things that i love about the human spirit.


~coconut juice at the White Lotus: i had some tonight and reaffirmed that this drink is, to me, the nectar of the gods... yummmmmmm.


~boots: they feel good to wear, especially the kind that feel heavy and like i�m literally grounded by them.

~getting warm in winter: the other night while i was sitting at my computer i had to wear 2 pairs of socks, pyjama pants, a sweater, a pyjama shirt, a sweatshirt, a robe, and mittens - just to keep warm in my little igloo of a room. being warm and toasty in bed and getting to sleep in late is without a doubt one of life�s pleasures.


~diana: we hung out tonight... i�d missed her. sometimes her presence feels like an intricate, colorful painting shining from a drab, monochrome desert. we seem to communicate in pictures while we talk, often creating elaborate cartoon-like scenarios that have us laughing for hours. most of the time we spend we�re laughing.

~dj: my younger brother. we work on music together, which i love. just finishing up a song last night. also i told him today how damn proud i am of him that he has such a good, wise head on his shoulders.

~sean: my youngest brother, home on holiday from his south african boarding school, who i blew off two christmas parties on saturday night just to stay home and hang out and watch movies with and we had a blast.


~playing the piano: i love sitting down and playing chords and creating songs (when nobody�s home)

~the rain: earlier this evening i listened to the rain and thought �that�s how i feel right now�

~making songs with keyboard + reason software: my primary musical outlet, what usually keeps me up all night� sometimes i�ll zone out forever just listening to one or two sounds play� sometimes i�ll make 3 songs in a night� it�s my sketch pad and i cherish it.


~nostalgia: the sweetest memories make me feel �ouch�, but i adore them� i just went through one of my boxes of memorabilia� i keep virtually everything that�s potential memorabilia.

~etymology: every night i�ve been looking up word etymologies and get into fascinating long chains of roots� words seem to contain a lot of insight at their core�

~next year: doing art classes full-time here for winter quarter, florence study abroad for spring, moving to sf and attending expressions center for new media (sound arts major) when i return in june. i can�t wait. i know next year will be really, really good�

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